O'z Ark

Reach For the Sky and Do it NOW

Why You Have Come Here

If you have arrived here seeking sanctity or blessing, then you will have to provide your own cloak and dagger. I only confess to the daily struggle to treat the world with the respect it has earned in my estimation. We all look to the sky and wonder. I feel the whisper of the ages calling and know not what flutter or ripple calls true. My approach is to touch your life in only the manner in which you prefer. As we all must suffer at some time, then I feel we all deserve, also, the right to laugh. My smile is my weapon, and at times my words also I use to defend.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January Thunders Down the Alley

What day is complete without pictures of the grandgirl? Today was most unusual for January with thunder, lightning, and an outpouring of moisture. Everyone that you talk to remembers this time last year when we so cavalierly thought winter had done her darkest work for us and spring was around the corner. That is really a silly way to approach the weather as the first day of winter was only Dec. 21! My birthday is January 30, and last year I spent my birthday with lots of candles. Unfortunately, they were not on a cake but dotted all around the house like beacons in the dark. No electricity, no phone, and eating cold cheese sandwiches, I ushered the grand age of 49 in with no one around me! The ice storm that caused all of this would keep my husband from me for a month, and people out of power for that long! I don't know about you, but I will hold my breath until I am sure that this February won't be the charming winter wonderland that it was last year. We were our own ice sculpture, ready to be entered into any contest as the largest of its kind!

I have been rereading my favorite set of books by Diana Gabaldon. If you like history, a touch of romance, and adventure, then she is a great read. Her books are not for the faint of heart as each one can be used to smooth the wrinkles from your cotton shirt. I have also just finished Deepok Chopra's book, "Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul". I find his books interesting and thought provoking. I am doing quite a bit of research into the brain's ability to heal itself. Since my brain has a glitch, my assumption is that the more information that I have in this area the better!

Well, must go and get my laughter for the evening from my schedule of 6 shows at once. I consider it great physical therapy just to manage the remote for this endeavor. Another sure task that is a benefit for the body and mind!

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

The part about needing outlets during winter after leaving teaching sounds very familiar. I'm glad to see you've decided to keep one blog going. Simplify. Keep reading. Sounds like a good plan.